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Contact Us

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Frequently Asked Questions

+ Q: How do I know if you're a good fit for me?

A: During your career clarity consult we'll discuss your résumé, identify your goals, and talk through what’s preventing you from achieving them. You’ll also have the chance to ask me questions and understand where my expertise may be able to help. Once I make my recommendation - résumé re-design, or both - you’ll decide whether you're ready to invest in your career by working with me (I think you'll say 'heck yes!').

+ Q: I’m not in Business or Tech. Can you still help me?

A: Sure. Our expertise is primarily in business and tech but have also worked with those in Education, Engineering, and Nonprofits. If you’re feeling uninspired and need clarity to prepare for a career move, let’s chat!

+ Q: Who is your ideal client?

A: Someone who is ready and willing to take charge of their career. Previous clients have had 0-5 years experience, and some have had closer to 10+ years. Overall, if you’re ready to figure out what you truly want in your career - what sparks joy and makes you fulfilled - and create an action plan to get there...we should meet!

+ Q: Where do coaching sessions take place?

A: Most sessions are held virtually, via phone, FaceTime, Zoom or Google Hangouts.

+ Q: I'm a business, non-profit, or university. Can you deliver a Career Development program for my audience?

A: Absolutely! I can customize a workshop or coaching program based on your needs. Please click here to submit a request.

Contact Form

You may contact me for collaborations, questions, or just to say hello via the form below or email me at

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