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About The Career Fairy

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I’m Eartha!

And I’m The Career Fairy.

I help millennials in Business and Tech find their magic so they can flourish in their careers.

Whether you’re planning a pivot, mapping out a plan for advancement, seeking a brand new opportunity, or simply trying to find joy in the daily grind - I provide personalized, actionable and deliberate strategies to help you maximize your strengths, gain clarity, and achieve your career goals.

I’ve been in your shoes...I’ve felt stuck, trying to navigate work spaces without mentors - or guidance. I’ve since hired employees, built and managed high-performing teams, and even coached managers on how to do the same. Through it all, I’ve learned that it’s up to YOU to own your career - I can help you do that. After all, isn’t life too short to do work you don’t love?

It’s time to flourish!

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Hiring and coaching in a corporate Leadership Development Program at AT&T and developing award-winning programs to help the Fortune 10 company attract, develop, and retain millennials. 

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Today, she's at Google, where she builds and scales global employee programs that enable teams to ramp quickly, develop continually and exceed targets. She also facilitates courses that prepare Google's newest managers for success and that help teams define their vision, build trust, improve culture and promote inclusion.

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Work with Me

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